Community Fete
Bus Shelter for Kartiane
POWA 2023
Karitane Night Out
Chip Packet Get-together
Help turn old chip packets into survival blankets to be used in our community
Community Meeting
Workshops to help guide Dunedin’s growth Dunedin (Thursday, 13 April 2023) – Members of the public will have a chance to help guide the future development of Dunedin at a series of workshops beginning later this month. The workshops are part of a new 30-year Future...
Royal High Tea
Fire Brigade
We need YOU!!! Waikouaiti Volunteer Fire Brigade needs more people to help keep our community safe. Come to our Open Day on 4 March at Waikouaiti Fire Station from 11:00am-2:00pm to find out more about volunteering with us. There will be a BBQ and fun activities for...
Waikouaiti Coast Community Board
We intend to host a public meeting in the next couple of months to present all of the facts surrounding truck movements associated with the Mainland Poultry egg farm on Matanaka Drive. We will have senior staff from Dunedin City Council and Mainland Poultry in...
Neighbours Day